Sunday 7 October 2012

Weekend funspiration: Love. Home. Pray

1. When I am in a deep melancholic mode, I surf stuffs that can make me bubbly. I found a few quotes on life that boost up my confident. Gambar ini terlalu comel untuk tidak dikongsi. Cuteness keep sadness at bay =). Lupakan yang pahit-pahit, jalan lurus ke destinasi yang ingin dituju. To Jannah, InsyaAllah. 2. Finally, saya ke trek bersama suami! Walaupun hanya mampu berlari sebanyak tiga pusingan lengkap, I gave myself an applause for effort! Zaman MASUM ketika di universiti mampu berlari berbelas pusingan, sekarang stamina dah out. Owh, and this quote motivate and choke you at the same time ;) You don't get it by staring, wishing, drooling, and hoping. You don't get it easily. You get it by getting off your ass and working for it. 3. Suami buat burger bakar lagi! Sedap sangat. Endless love for you my dear. May Allah bless you 4. Make time for yourself, you are important! Obviously, I am stuck with housewife's duties and student's life. Because I enjoyed being a wife too much, sometimes I forgot that I need time to pamper myself. Nanti saya share my dream-schedule. 5. No one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side of things! This motivates me to keep on pushing myself to the better. 6. Bersihkan rumah! Walaupun allergic habuk, I still enjoyed cleaning the house. I don't really know where is exactly the fun of it come from, but it's fun. Boleh buat sendiri the detergents. Sudah dimasukkan dalam aktiviti weekend akan datang ;) 7. Kumpul botol-botol cantik. Jangan buang botol/ bekas shampoo/ scrub/ shower foam/ wedding gift bottle yang cantik, recycle it =) 8. Pudding! Saya buat caramel and chocolate malt pudding. Suami hantu puding, thanks to kawan-kawan UPM yang hadiahkan pengukus. That's not the exact picture. They were all rested in peace in our stomach =) 9. I ended my weekend with green tea. Tenang dan mendamaikan. Jangan lupa amalkan surah As- Sharh dan Al-Waqiah sebelum tidur. Ya Allah, semoga urusan esok hari dipermudahkan. Urusan anda juga, InsyaAllah. Amin.

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