Thursday 1 November 2012

Tok chek, in memory

At first, I told myself it is OK to not write about this. Time will heals everything. Hopefully. I acted tough and kept myself busy with homework

Verily, I failed to do so. I cried devastatingly either in toilet or bed.

I lost someone so dear in my life. Someone that was with me from the very beginning of my life. This is the first time I'd ever learn the pain of losing someone. Real pain. I was too small back then to appreciate what love means when I lost my grandparents. But now, at the age of 26, I am old enough to understand what love means. Trust me, loosing a girl friend/ boy friend is easier. If you still have grandmother or parent or siblings, please show them your love. The love you shared with people that live from the very beginning of your life is just different.

I really want to write more but I guess I have to stop here. What keep me strong is the fact that I believe she's in a better place. She missed her husband a lot, then I guess Allah has a better plan for her. Moreover, she will no longer suffer from her illness. Rest assured dear grandmother, as long as I live, you will have my dua'. 

"Ya Allah, jauhilah nenek ku dari seksa kubur dan seksaan api neraka Mu. Tempatkanlah nenek ku di SyurgaMu dan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman"

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